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New Construction Energy Efficiency

Coming Soon: New Construction Program

A single program with customized pathways to serve all residential and commercial/industrial new construction/gut renovation projects. Read about the program in the FY24 TRC True-Up Compliance Filing.

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If you’re planning your next new construction project or substantial renovation, the Clean Energy Program has incentives to meet your needs.

The program encourages energy efficient new construction of commercial and industrial facilities in New Jersey and offers various financial incentives for building owners, designers, and architects to adopt cost-effective, energy efficient design choices in qualifying new construction and substantial renovation projects.  By providing incentives to support design beyond the minimum efficiency required by building codes, the Clean Energy Program aims to produce the most efficient buildings in the nation.

Residential builders can also participate - learn more here.


Incentives are offered for New Construction and Substantial Renovation (Gut Rehab) projects in buildings served by NJ Investor Owned Utilities, defined as follows:

  • New Construction: Defined as a new building.
  • Substantial Renovations (Gut Rehab): Defined as one of the following types of projects:
    • Change of use and reconstruction of an existing building;
    • Construction work of a nature requiring that the building or portion of the building within be out of service for at least 30 consecutive days; or
    • Reconstruction of a vacant structure or a portion of the building within.

New Construction Energy Efficiency Programs

The three programs offered for energy efficiency projects in new construction are outlined below. If you’re not sure which track is best for your project, contact one of our energy advisors or an approved trade ally today.

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Savings Potential
Program Description

Whole Building/

Pay for Performance Program

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This program is designed for commercial, industrial, and multifamily buildings with 50,000 square feet or more of planned conditioned space. Construct your building to perform better than code compliant buildings with the help of our approved partners and receive incentives.
Customer Tailored Energy Efficiency Program

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This program allows customers to bundle multiple prescriptive and custom measures into a single application without enrolling in a whole-building program. In addition to measure incentives, customers are eligible for technical assistance incentives to help offset soft costs associated with custom measure development.
Single Measure:
SmartStart Buildings Program

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SmartStart offers prescriptive and custom incentives for projects addressing individual building systems. Includes fixed dollar amounts for installations of popular technologies with well-established savings, such as gas heating and HVAC, and Custom incentives based on energy savings for non-standard equipment that performs beyond code requirements.

Other Programs

Savings Achievements

New Jersey customers are saving energy and reducing operating costs in new construction buildings by participating in the NJCEP. Read more.


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New Jersey State Seal