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Flip Your Fridge to ENERGY STAR®

Flip your Fridge by recycling your old one and purchasing a new, ENERGY STAR certified model and rebates! Contact your electric utility to learn more. Start adding up the savings!

  • Make a difference for the environment. Replacing your old refrigerator with a new one that has earned the ENERGY STAR could save you $300 on your energy bills over the next five years!
  • On top of the lower energy bills, you can save even more with a rebate towards the purchase of a new ENERGY STAR refrigerator. 
  • Make sure your old refrigerator is properly recycled (and get another $50) to prevent even more greenhouse gas emissions and help preserve precious resources.

If all refrigerators sold in the US were ENERGY STAR certified, we would:

  • Save more than $700 million in annual energy costs
  • Prevent more than 9 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions annually, equivalent to the emissions from more than one million vehicles
  • Reduce their energy consumption equivalent to the emissions from more than 870,000 vehicles.

Replacing Your Old Refrigerator Saves Energy, Money, and the Environment

Fast Facts:

  • Did you know that during the Flip Your Fridge promotion - Earth Day through Memorial Day - retailers and manufacturers offer deals and rebates on ENERGY STAR refrigerators? Combine those offers with a NJCEP rebate for a qualifying model and you are a winner!
  • Refrigerators over 10 years old could be costing you about $110 per year to run.
  • A  top-freezer refrigerators that has earned the ENERGY STAR uses less energy than a 60-watt light bulb.
  • ENERGY STAR certified refrigerators are about 9 percent more energy efficient than models that meet the federal minimum efficiency standard.
  • Replace an old fridge with a new ENERGY STAR certified unit and save more than $50 a year in operating costs. 
  • An estimated 190 million refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers are currently in use in the United States.

How to Properly Recycle Your Old Refrigerator:

  • By keeping that old refrigerator in your basement or garage, you could be wasting $110 per year.
  • Your utility can help you responsibly recycle your old refrigerator and/or freezer and provide an incentive. You'll be glad to know that approximately 95% of each appliance is recycled!
  • Properly recycling your old refrigerator prevents the release of refrigerants and foams that contribute to climate change.

A New ENERGY STAR Certified Refrigerator Has Extra Benefits

Compared to 15-year old refrigerators, new ENERGY STAR certified refrigerators include energy saving features that provide performance benefits, including:

  • High efficiency compressors that create less heat and are often quieter than standard compressors
  • Improved insulation located in doors and exterior walls to help food stay cold and muffle noise
  • More precise temperature and defrost mechanisms that help the refrigerator operate more efficiently, while ensuring food is kept at the optimum temperature
  • Innovative drawer designs and improved temperature controls to keep your food fresher, longer
  • New ENERGY STAR refrigerators come in all the latest designs, including French door, side-by-side, bottom- and top-mount freezer, with more efficient use of space and better access to food

It’s better for you and the environment to replace your old refrigerator than to hang on to it.  Not only will you benefit from the features a new ENERGY STAR refrigerator offers, you could cut your energy costs and environmental impact in half.


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New Jersey State Seal