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State of New Jersey Energy Master Plan

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Environmental Savings and Benefits

New Jersey's Clean Energy Program reduces the need to generate electricity and burn natural gas which eliminates the pollution that would have been caused by such electric generation or natural gas usage. The benefits of these programs continue for the life of the measures installed, which on average is about 15 years. Thus, the public receives substantial environmental and public health benefits from programs that also lower energy bills and benefit the economy.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has a tool called the Power Profiler, which helps you estimate the air emissions associated with your electricity consumption by entering your ZIP code and your current electrical load. 

The following table summarizes the annual and lifetime emission reductions that result from the installation of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures installed in through the end of fiscal year 2014, which ended on June 30, 2014:

Emission Reductions (metric tons)

  CO2  NOX  SO2  HG
Annual Emission Reductions
(Metric Tons) from Measures
Installed in FY 2014
615,084 1,109 2,483 0.0136
Lifetime Emission Reductions
(Metric Tons) from Measures
Installed in FY 2014
9,426,091 17,152 38,136 0.2091


In addition to environmental benefits, these measures help improve our energy independence, provide for cleaner, healthier air, and create jobs for New Jersey.

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Energy Master Plan

State of New Jersey Energy Master Plan

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