New Jersey Resource Maps
Please note that the wind incentive available from New Jersey's Clean Energy Program is currently on hold until further notice.
Wind maps are available at no charge at FirstLook. Use the 50m hub height since this is a common height for wind speed calculators.
Please note that wind speed used in the rebate calculation will be capped at 13.7 mph.
The average wind speed from the free wind map above is acceptable for rebate calculations. However, there are other, more accurate ways to determine your location’s wind speed:
- Hire a certified site assessor to evaluate the site topography and specific site characteristics to provide a more accurate evaluation.
- Hire an engineering firm to do a detailed site assessment, including a local wind speed analysis based on an anemometer reading.
If either of these methods is used, you should provide the study to the program staff that will use this revised wind speed information instead of the online wind maps when calculating the rebate.