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Home Performance Pilots

Direct Install Pilot

If you are having Home Performance energy efficient upgrades done on your home, make sure to ask your contractor about the direct install pilot. For a limited time, your contractor may install up to nine energy and/or water saving items at no cost to you. This is an additional benefit to the Home Performance Program. The direct install measures will be done while you are having a contractor install energy efficient upgrades to your home through the Home Performance Program. This is not a stand-alone offer.

The eligible items include:

•    LED light bulbs
•    Low-flow faucet aerators
•    An EPA WaterSense Showerhead

Here is a list of contractors that will install these items as part of a Home Performance job.


Air Seal and Insulate Your Home

Are you suffering from drafty rooms in the winter and hot, stuffy rooms in the summer? As a New Jersey homeowner, you have the option of having a contractor install air sealing and insulation in your home and receiving up to a $1,000 rebate.

These are the maximum incentives per dwelling and are not to exceed 50% of the total project cost. Note that only approved contractors can perform this work to be eligible for the rebate.

What is air sealing?

Air leaks in a home are common issues that lead to uncomfortable, drafty rooms in the winter and hot, stuffy rooms in the summer.  The leaks may be coming from your outer walls, windows, doors, attic and other places. Air leakage occurs when outside air enters and conditioned air leaves your house uncontrollably through cracks and openings.  Air sealing the cracks, gaps and holes in your home will help make it more comfortable and help you save energy and money.

What does insulation do?

Insulation in your home provides resistance to heat flow and lowers your heating and cooling costs. Properly insulating your home not only reduces heating and cooling costs, but also improves comfort. Insulation will keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

Sealing leaks and adding insulation can improve the overall comfort of your home and help to fix many of these common problems:

  • Reduced noise from outside
  • Less pollen, dust and insects (or pests) entering your home
  • Better humidity control
  • Lower chance for ice dams on the roof/eves in snowy climates

Here is a list of contractors that will install air sealing and insulation as part of the new pilot.


Save more and reap the benefits from these pilots before funding runs out. Call a contractor today to learn more about these new exciting pilots!

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