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Utility Financing Programs

Atlantic City Electric Company, Jersey Central Power & Light Company, and Rockland Electric Company were directed by the Board to peridocally issue Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to select solar projects with which to enter into contracts for the purchase of SRECs. The following information is intended to provide an archived reference to past program activities

EDC SREC II Solicitation Results:
First Solicitation 07.23.15
Second Solicitation 12.16.15
Third Solicitation 04.27.16
Fourth Solictation 09.23.16
Fifth Solicitation 02.22.17
Sixth Solicitation 06.30.17
Seventh Solicitation 11.21.17
Eighth Solicitation 04.25.18
Ninth Solicitation 08.28.18


In July 2008, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) directed the four Electric Distribution Companies (EDCs) to develop long term contracting or financing programs for the development of solar energy systems.  At that time, the NJBPU  approved innovative financing programs at all four of the states' electric utilities to support the installation of solar photovoltaic systems that produce clean, renewable electricity for customers' onsite use.

The utility solar financing programs expired in 2011. The Board by an Order signed May 23, 2012 directed the EDCs to consider extending these programs to serve 180 MW of solar capacity over three years. And on June 1, 2012 the EDCs filed a Notice of Intent to participate in an Extended EDC SREC Program consistent with Staff's recommendations adopted by the NJBPU.

PSE&G's announcement is below.

PSE&G has concluded its second solicitation of its Solar Loan III Program.  The schedule for the third solicitation will be announced soon.  Interested parties are encouraged to visit for further information, including the program capacity being made available at this time and the solicitation schedule. 

Atlantic City Electric sent  a verified petition and supporting exhibits to adjust the level of the Rider RGGI charge associated with ACE's Solar Renewable Energy Certificate Financing Program.

The SRECs accrued from the EDC SREC-based financing programs are auctioned periodically with the proceeds used to reduce ratepayer contributions to program costs.  More information can be found at the auction website.

Learn more about financing programs in specific utility areas by clicking on one of the logos below.

Rockland Electric

SRP Complaint Form - Information on how to submit a complaint regarding your Solar Contractor and/or the Owner of your Solar Electric Generating Facility. A complaint should not be submitted until you have contacted your solar installer and/or the owner of your solar system/SREC owner to try and resolve the outstanding issue.

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