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2009 Program Changes

A number of improvements have recently been approved for the NJ SmartStart Buildings Program. These changes are reflected in the 2009 Application Forms and summarized below:

1) The incentive cap has been increased to $500,000 per customer, per fuel (electric or natural gas), per calendar year.

2) Two changes have been made to the Prescriptive Lighting Incentive. For 2009, a $30 incentive will be available for the retrofit of T-12 to T-8 technology with permanent delamping and the addition of relectors. This measure will require a pre-inspection. In addition, a reduction in the incentive levels is made for pulse-start metal halide technology greater than 150 W from $45 to $25 per fixture.

3) The incentive for LED Traffic Signals has been eliminated since federal standards now require the manufacture of traffic signals to be LED compliant.

4) Combined Heat & Power will no longer be considered a separate program. The technology will now be part of a comprehensive, whole building approach to energy efficiency in existing commercial and industrial buildings as part of the newly-available Pay for Performance Program. Projects that incorporate CHP will be eligible for an additional $1 million incentive. The annual solicitation has been eliminated and customers will now be able to implement this technology year-round, funding permitted.

5) The pre-approval process has been modified with the elimination of the Registration form. Terms and Conditions will be included as part of the Application forms for each of the energy efficiency measures. In addition, the program will accept equipment purchases (not installations) up to 12 months prior to submittal of an application. Equipment purchased prior to receipt of an approval letter is done at the customer's/applicant's risk.

6) The Performance Lighting Application now requires that projects exceed ASHRAE 90.1-2004 by 5% rather than 20%.

The effective date of the above changes is January 7, 2009. Please contact the Commercial & Industrial Market Manager if you have any questions.

TRC Energy Services
900 Route 9 North, Suite 104
Woodbridge, NJ 07095
Phone: 866-NJSMART
Fax: 732-634-8010


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