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Large Energy Users

The Large Energy Users Program is designed to promote self-investment in energy efficiency for eligible projects in the states' largest non-hospital commercial and industrial facilities.

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To qualify as a Large Energy User, entities must have paid a minimum of $5,000,000 in Total Annual Energy Costs to NJ Utilities on bills received between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

See the Program Guide for complete customer and measure eligibility requirements.

Incentive Specifications

Applicants may submit up to 3 separate energy plans containing unique scopes of work per entity per fiscal year. The incentive amount per energy plan is capped at the lesser of:

  • Annual project savings at $0.33/kWh plus $3.75/therm for non-lighting measures and $0.16/kWh for lighting measures
  • 75% of total project cost
  • Buydown to 2.0 year simple payback period

The program has a minimum incentive commitment per energy plan of $100,000.  Additionally, the energy plan must not constitute more than 50% of savings from lighting measures. Projects not meeting these thresholds will be redirected to other programs for C&I customers.

  • Incentive commitments made will not exceed the LEUP entity cap of $4,000,000 per entity per fiscal year

Please see the Program Guide for complete incentive guidelines.

Application Forms and Other Information


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