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Local Government Energy Audit

All across New Jersey, residents and business owners are looking for ways to save energy and the environment. In order to understand how they can save, the Local Government Energy Audit (LGEA) Program allows local government agencies, state contracting agencies, public agencies, state colleges and state universities, and select non-profit agencies, to examine their facilities and see how they can improve their energy use. The program can help you identify cost-justified energy-efficiency measures, as well as subsidize the full cost of the audit. The entire audit process including customer assistance, application processing and auditing will be performed by TRC, the Program Manager for New Jersey's Clean Energy Program (NJCEP). More details are available about the LGEA program in this Video OverviewProgram Guide and FAQs.


The LGEA Program targets buildings owned by many local government-related entities, New Jersey Colleges and Universities, and 501(c)(3) non-profit agencies. Such facilities may include, but are not limited to: offices, courtrooms, town halls, police and fire stations, sanitation buildings, transportation structures, schools and community centers.

Your Expense is Covered

NJCEP will subsidize 100% of the cost of the audit, up to an incentive cap, so there are no out of pocket expenses associated with services provided under this program.

Audit Scope

The audit includes an inventory of all energy-consuming equipment, comprehensive utility bill analysis, facility benchmarking, and a screening for solar, combined heat & power, and electric vehicle charging stations. Add-on / targeted audit options as outlined in the Program Guide may also be available.  When your audit is complete, you'll have a list of recommended, cost-justified measures and facility upgrades that will help reduce operating expenses and, in many cases, improve the health and productivity of the buildings' occupants.


The LGEA Application and Workbook walks applicants through the application requirements and process.  If you need help applying for the LGEA Program, assistance on how to assistance on how to read and understand your utility bills is available.


Please note that a complete application requires the LGEA Application, LGEA Workbook, and Utility Bills.

State of New Jersey owned facilities are required to submit water bills along with all energy bills.

Issues Gathering Utility Bills?

In some cases, gathering utility bills can be challenging. If you are having trouble, please contact us. We can assist by submitting a Fuel Release Authorization to your provider(s), which allows us to work directly with the utility on your behalf:


If you have additional questions, please contact us at 866-657-6278 or by email at Note: If you have submitted a question or application to this email address and have not received a response within five business days, please contact our office at 732-855-0033 extension 0. 

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