Energy Savings Improvement Program (ESIP)
NJ’s ESIP is a form of energy performance contracting that allows government entities to make energy-related improvements to their facilities using the value of energy savings that result from the improvements. The ESIP law was enacted in 2009 and updated in 2012. It provides all types of government entities – from school boards to municipalities to state governments – with a flexible tool to lessen their environmental impact, save money, and reduce their energy usage for minimal costs.
What's Your Retrofit Strategy?
ESIP can help accomplish any retrofit strategy (major HVAC, minor HVAC, onsite generation, facility improvements, etc.), but can also leverage multiple strategies. ESIP can be used as a way to find energy savings; upgrade equipment; and improve indoor air quality. As government entities struggle to offset these costs, a performance contract can be a solution to afford the upgrades. ESIP is based on financing today’s improvements off of tomorrow’s savings for little to no cost.
Visit the RFP Templates homepage for additional information on how to get started and to access the NEW Template for the Education ESIP RFP, as well as the current Non-Education ESIP RFP Template.
Click here for ESIP Program Guidance Update - Cooperative Purchasing Agreement