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LGEA/Preliminary Audit

The first step to commencing an ESIP project is to perform a preliminary energy audit. This assessment of your facilities allows the auditor to recommend energy conservation measures (ECMs). ECMs have different costs, savings and lifespans, and depending on the budget, the entity can consider any or all of the measures for implementation. Certain ECMs are also eligible for rebates or incentives through New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program (NJCEP) or Board-approved utility energy efficiency programs.

Entities can choose to perform their own ASHRAE Level II audit (Energy Survey and Analysis) and a Level III audit for lighting (Detailed Analysis of Capital Intensive Modifications).  NJCEP also offers a free Local Government Energy Audit (LGEA) that meets the ESIP criteria. Whichever audit the entity chooses, the assessment will be utilized in determining the project’s scope, in both the RFP and in the Energy Savings Plan (ESP), which are both submitted to the NJBPU for approval.

The preliminary audit helps identify energy conservation measures and building upgrades. This can lay out the ground work for the type of ESIP project you embark upon. Reach out to NJBPU’s ESIP Coordinator for an initial meeting via email at The ESIP Coordinator will be involved in the process from the RFP to the ESP and through the evaluation, measurement, and verification steps. The Coordinator can also help with resources and answer questions about process.


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