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NJCEP Benchmarking

Return to Energy Benchmarking homepage, here.

If you are seeking to voluntarily benchmark your building and you are not covered by the Clean Energy Act requirement, you may use this free benchmarking service.  If you are not sure whether you are covered by the CEA requirement, please check here first.

Our program representatives will track and score your actual energy usage based on your industry type and provide a detailed report along with valuable information on implementing energy-efficient technologies, including available financial incentives to lower project costs.

Sample Benchmarking Reports

Please complete this short Utility Data Release Form so that we may access your energy usage directly from your energy providers.

You may complete the e-form or the regular form version of the application.

Electronic Forms

Select your building type from the list below:

Not sure which sector to select? View descriptions
Commercial (under 25,000 sq ft)
Multifamily-Building (under 25,000 sq ft)

Downloadable Forms

To complete the form offline, download a PDF version by selecting your building type from the list. You will also need to complete and submit a Utility Data Release Form.

Step One:

Not sure which to select? View descriptions

Step Two: Utility Data Release Form

Sector Descriptions

Non-residential facilities that are commercially owned and operated such as office buildings, data centers, supermarkets, and retail facilities.

Higher Education
Colleges, universities, and community colleges granting two year, four year or graduate level degrees, medical schools, business colleges, and law schools. Higher education building types include administrative offices, classrooms, dorms, athletic facilities (excluding pools) and laboratories.

Lodging facilities such as hotels, motels, inns, extended stay locations, and full service restaurants. Cafeterias and fast food operations are not eligible

Free-standing acute care and children's hospitals, and free-standing medical office buildings, including 24-hour, walk-in clinics.

To qualify, the acute care hospital, children's hospital, and medical buildings must occupy at least 50% of the total healthcare property. Acute care and children's hospitals are facilities that typically provide a variety of services within the same building or among multiple buildings on a campus, including emergency medical care, physician's office services, diagnostic care, ambulatory care, and surgical care.

Public, private, and non-profit entities including local government buildings, K-12 schools, houses of worship and facilities devoted to providing social services.

Multifamily Building
Residential buildings with 4-6 floors above ground that are equipped with a central heating/cooling system and any building with 7 or more floors (regardless of heating/cooling system type). Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis for buildings with less than 4 floors.


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New Jersey State Seal