New Jersey State Seal

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To help consumers make wise decisions regarding clean energy, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities provides a list of vendors. Since the decision to invest in energy efficiency or renewable energy is frequently impacted by many site specific factors, we recommend that applicants get started by talking with at least three different vendors early in the process.

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Select a Category

Certified Wind Site Assessor
Clean Power Marketers
Electric Storage Vendors
ENERGY STAR Appliance Retailers
ENERGY STAR Lighting Retailers
Heat Pump Hot Water Contractors
Home Energy Auditor
Home Performance Contractors
HVAC Contractor
Metering and Monitoring
Power Purchase Agreement Providers
Solar PV Distributors
Solar PV Manufacturers
Solar PV Residential Installers
Solar Water Heater Contractors
SREC Aggregators
SREC Brokers
Wind Equipment Distributors
Wind Equipment Manufacturers
Wind Equipment Residential Installers

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New Jersey State Seal