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Acoustic Testing Pilot Program

The Acoustic Testing Pilot Program is a new $1.5 million grant program for water utilities to install state-of-the-art leak detection technology to aid in identifying water leaks throughout their infrastructure. Identifying and correcting leaks throughout a system results in water and energy savings for New Jersey’s water utilities and their customers. On July 14, 2021 the NJBPU announced recent awards.

The Pilot Program, which will be funded by the Societal Benefits Charge (SBC), will last 18 months and provide grants up to $500,000 for water utilities to install internal sensors throughout their water systems in places like fire hydrants. The sensors collect acoustic data that provide utility system operators and repair personnel information to pinpoint where to focus investigation and repair efforts.

If implemented statewide, permanent acoustic leak detection technology could save tens of billions of gallons of water, tens of millions of kilowatt-hours of energy, and millions of dollars per year, based on current statewide estimates for water and energy loss.

To qualify for NJBPU’s Pilot Program, a water system must have Unaccounted for Water (UAW) or Non-Revenue Water (NRW) greater than 15 percent. Priority will be given to projects in overburdened communities and where the technology is being used for the first time. At the conclusion of the Pilot Program, NJBPU will review the results from the pilot to investigate the benefit of creating a permanent leak detection program for the State. 

Qualifying water utilities in New Jersey can apply for a grant within the Pilot Program.

Please reference the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information. 


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