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Requesting Utility Data

Regulated utilities provide aggregated, building-level data to building owners using the 4/50 Rule. Unregulated utilities, such as municipal water utilities, may provide aggregated, building-level data or only customer-level data to building owners for consenting customers.

Regulated Utilities - As a building owner, you may select your utility to request the data directly your utilities (listed below). Each utility will also provide a Consent Letter if your building does not satisfy the 4/50 Rule.  Utilities will provide benchmarking pages on their websites and will provide data access services on or after August 1, 2023.

Unregulated Utilities - If you are a building owner and your utility neither provides aggregated building-level data nor utilizes the 4/50 Rule, you will be able to download a Consent Letter to request permission from your tenants for each utility company to release consenting tenants' data to you for benchmarking purposes.
4/50 Rule

To protect consumer privacy, the regulated utilities check whether a commercial building has four or more tenants, and check to confirm that no single tenant consumes more than 50% fo the energy or water in that building.  If both of these conditions are satisfied, the regulated utility will send the building owner the data.  If either condition is not satisfied, then the building owner must get consent from each individual tenant.

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New Jersey State Seal