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Electric Vehicles

Webinar - June 3, 2020

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has released the “New Jersey Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Ecosystem 2020 Straw Proposal.” The proposal and instructions for submitting comments are available here.

Staff solicited stakeholder input on the Straw Proposal through a web-based public meeting on June 3, 2020. A recording of the meeting is available here. This online technical conference-format meeting provided stakeholders the opportunity to comment on the topics discussed in this Straw Proposal as follows:
1) How to best expand the Electric Vehicle Service Equipment (EVSE) Infrastructure and encourage Charger Ready investment
•    Establishing the appropriate role for the EDCs and EVSE Infrastructure Companies.
•    Identifying communities where market forces alone may not result in the desired level of EV infrastructure.
•    Establishing cost recovery for EDC investment in making locations Charger Ready.
2) How to ensure equity in the EV Ecosystem

•    Utilizing the EV Mapping effort to identify Charger Ready locations.
•    Identifying how market failures should be identified that would trigger utility intervention.
3) How to design and integrate EV charging into the rate structure

•    Identifying appropriate residential rate design for customers living in multi-family dwellings.
•    Establishing rate design for C&I customers installing EVSE: waiver versus rebate.
•    Designing adequate time-of-use rates be for EV customers.
Staff invites stakeholders to submit comments by June 17, 2020 at 5 p.m. EDT, regardless of whether they participate in the June 3 webinar.
Please direct all questions to



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