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2014-2015 Residential Market Survey

The Honeywell Market Manager team conducted a study of consumer awareness and opinions concerning New Jersey's Clean Energy Program (NJCEP). The study was designed to determine if New Jersey homeowners were aware of NJCEP and the various programs and rebates NJCEP offers. Other areas of interest included an assessment of attitudes towards energy efficiency in general, the main benefits associated with energy efficiency, key drivers associated with purchasing energy efficient products, the best methods for making consumers aware of NJCEP and its programs, and obstacles to implementing energy efficiency measures in the home. 

Survey objectives:

  • Measure residents’ awareness and interest in energy efficiency
  • Measure residents’ awareness and interest in New Jersey’s Clean Energy Programs
  • Assess likeliness to participate in programs and any barriers
  • Identify reasons residents would participate in programs

Survey details:

  • 527 respondents
  • Survey conducted by phone November 10-14, 2014
  • Survey took approximately 8 minutes to complete
  • Survey was targeted to residents of NJ, homeowners, and residents who exceed the income guidelines for Comfort Partners Program

Key Findings:

  • 46% awareness of NJCEP among homeowners
  • 44% perceive biggest benefit of participation is lower utility bills
  • 33% would prefer to learn about programs through direct mail
  • 86% believe it is at least somewhat important to reduce energy use
  • 60% would consider participating in a program, while 80% of those who have participated in the past would consider participating again

Final Report February 13, 2015

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