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Sustainable BioPower Working Group


Next Meeting Date: September 28, 2015
Location: Rutgers Eco-complex, 1200 Florence-Columbus Road, Bordentown, NJ
Call in #: 800.326.0013
Participant Code:  7125948
Time:  1:00pm - 3:30pm

Working Group Presentation
EcoComplex Biomass Assessment
NRGTEK Presentation
Ridgewood Presentation

Previous Meeting Notes:

Sep 28, 2015 Minutes

Meeting Notes Archive

If you would like to join this working group listserv to receive meeting information and other program data, please contact the NJCEP Webmaster.

For additional information regarding the REIP Biopower Program, visit

Energy Resiliency Bank Notice sent 08.20.14

* All Meeting Dates subject to change.

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New Jersey State Seal