New Jersey State Seal

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Policy Background



Benchmarking is an indispensable tool for energy efficiency. It allows commercial building owners and operators to measure and analyze their facilities’ energy and water use, and to compare their performance to that of  similar buildings. Owners and operators can then assess opportunities for performance improvements that reduce energy use and costs at their facilities.

In the long term, benchmarking allows New Jersey to plan strategically for future energy efficiency programs that can help building owners and operators reduce their energy usage through efforts such as optimizing building standards or advancing building electrification.

As climate change-contributing emissions from the building sector rise, it is vital that New Jersey works to manage these emissions.  Please join us in growing New Jersey’s Clean Energy Future!

Legislative History

On May 23, 2018, Governor Phil Murphy signed the Clean Energy Act into law as L. 2018, c. 17 (“Clean Energy Act of 2018”). The Clean Energy Act of 2018 mandates the following:

  • No later than five years after the date of enactment of P.L.2018, c.17 (C.48:3-87.8 et al.), the board shall require the owner or operator of each commercial building over 25,000 square feet in the State to benchmark energy and water use for the prior calendar year using the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s [EPA’s] Portfolio Manager tool.

The 2019 New Jersey Energy Master Plan (“EMP”) also lists benchmarking as one of its goals in “Goal 3.3.2. – Strengthen Building and Energy Codes and Appliance Standards - Establish Transparent Benchmarking and Energy Labeling.” Benchmarking commercial buildings' energy usage and water consumption is critical to increasing the transparency of this usage and consumption and to promoting market-driven increases in energy efficiency. It also elevates the public’s understanding of energy usage, allowing consumers to make well-informed decisions.

Portfolio Manager

US Environmental Protection Agency Energy Star Portfolio Manager is an online tool to help building owners track and evaluate the energy and water performance of their buildings:

Benchmarking Program Timeline

Policy Development

Date Item Materials
 Dec 16, 2021  Straw Proposal released

Straw Proposal
Public Notice

 Jan 06, 2022  Stakeholder Meeting held  Presentation
Webinar Recording
 Jan 20, 2022  Deadline for submission of comments
on Straw Proposal
 NJBPU Public Comments
 Sep 07, 2022
 Board Order approved benchmarking program  Board Order

 Program Implementation

Date Action
 Sep 2022 -  Oct 2023
 BPU developed benchmarking regulations
 BPU and the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) developed benchmarking certification programs
   BPU conducted outreach and training webinars with building owners and operators
   BPU and NJIT developed training materials on Portfolio Manager
 Jul 01, 2023
 BPU notified building owners and operators of upcoming benchmarking submission deadline
 Aug 01, 2023  Regulated utilities provided data access services
 Oct 01, 2023
 First benchmarking data submission deadline for building owners and operators for calendar year 2022


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