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Builder & Rating Company Information

Homebuilders and homebuyers across the country are increasingly interested in green building, but what exactly makes a home green?

Green building means improving the way that homes and homebuilding sites use energy, water, and materials to reduce impacts on human health and the environment.  Building a green home means making environmentally-preferable and sustainable decisions throughout the building process-decisions that will minimize the environmental impact of the home while it is being built and over the many years it will be lived in.

For information about the Residential New Construction Program, call 866-NJSMART.

New Jersey's Clean Energy Program now offers online training courses for builders:

  • Residential New Construction Updates
  • Zero Energy Ready Homes (qualified for AIA continuing education credits)

Residential New Construction Rating Companies

How do I get involved?

A critical component of the Residential New Construction program is the development of a network of approved Rating Companies who are eligible to enroll projects into the program. To become an approved Rating Company, you must fill out and submit an application package. The Partnership Agreement and the Submission Requirements listed within the agreement will act as your application to become a Residential New Construction Rating Company.

The Program will review your application package and we will notify you if you have been accepted to the program within 3 weeks of your submittal. You will then be required to complete an orientation and training. Keep in mind that you cannot submit new projects to the program until you have successfully participated in the orientation. Approval as a Rating Company is unique to the Residential New Construction program and is not transferable to any other programs.

If you have any additional questions regarding the program or the application, please forward them to

Rating Company FAQ's

When are the deadlines?

Applications are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis.

How will I get paid?

As a Residential New Construction Rating Company, you will work directly with the program participant and negotiate applicable fees. All program incentives will be paid directly to the participant. Participants may sign over incentive payments to the Rating Company, or other third-party entities, if they wish. There is an incentive for Rating Companies to successfully enroll and certify homes under the DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes. Rater incentives associated with these projects will be paid via check to the Rating Company upon successful completion of the project.

Are there any fees?

There are no fees associated with being a Rating Company. Although, if projects are not submitted to the program on a regular basis, approved Rating Companies may be required to re-take the orientation and training webinar.

Online Training for Builders and Raters
(click above)

Program Note:

  • Homes constructed under NJ's Residential New Construction Program are not eligible for the WARMAdvantage or COOLAdvantage Programs.
  • Builders/Developers seeking funding through the NJ Housing & Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA) are advised to contact the Residential New Construction Program (see above) to find out about complying with NJHMFA Letter of Intent requirements concerning the program.

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New Jersey State Seal