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Residential New Construction

Partner Network:
VIPs in the New Construction Program


Are you an energy efficiency professional with experience and knowledge in energy efficiency projects? With the New Construction Program coming soon, be ready and apply to participate in the Program Partner Network.

Participants in the Partner Network actively drive the success of the New Construction Program by providing high-quality building performance services to customers.

For architecture, engineering, or energy consulting firms – the Partner Network is an ideal opportunity for engagement and growth. Reach out to our team today to explore the possibilities!

Workforce Development:
Invest in Your Future as an Energy Professional

Our programs are preparing for the launch of the New Construction Program - are you or your employees trained and ready?

Reimbursements are available to those who complete courses leading to certifications that support the New Construction Program. Eligible courses are designed to promote energy efficiency and decarbonization in New Jersey’s new construction market.

Up to $2,000 will be reimbursed per person per course upon successful completion.* The complete list of courses can be found in the User Guide.
Next Steps
Create a user profile in the Workforce Development application portal, submit your application, and take the next steps in advancing your career.

*Reimbursement is limited to $4,000 per person per fiscal year from July 1 through June 30.

Coming Soon: New Construction Program

A single program with customized pathways to serve all residential and commercial/industrial new construction/gut renovation projects. Read about the program in the FY24 TRC True-Up Compliance Filing.

View the informational webinar

Look for Energy Efficiency Listserv updates, attend Energy Efficiency Stakeholder Meetings, or attend an upcoming program overview or Trade Ally webinar event for details.


Not all homes are created equally, and a new home is probably the most expensive purchase you’ll ever make. Construction quality is one key to a great home, but how do you really know that everything has been installed correctly?  The New Jersey Uniform Construction Code (UCC, or “code(s)”) governs building, plumbing, electrical, fire protection, mechanical and energy regulations. These codes are updated every three years and are considered the minimum standard for home construction.

As code becomes more focused on home efficiency, building science has also evolved to help achieve code requirements. Part of that process involves a requirement to pull building permits and to have the home inspected by the township or private inspectors. Additionally, the industry has also evolved, and your home can now earn several different certifications for meeting more stringent requirements than what is required by code.

ENERGY STAR® and Zero Energy Ready Home (“ZERH”) are two certifications your home can earn. Receiving either of these certifications can give you confidence that your home has been built to perform better than others. These homes are inspected both during and after construction to ensure they are better, healthier, safer, more durable, and more efficient than other homes. Don’t settle for less, ask for the best and a high efficiency home.

There are over 2.5 million homes in the United States that have been built to high energy efficiency standards. While each year seems to increase steadily, only 9% of new homes constructed in the US in 2022 exceeded minimum code requirements. ENERGY STAR® and ZERH homes do just that, and there are incentives from New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program (NJCEP) Residential New Construction Program to help you cover a portion of the cost to do so.


New Jersey has a great incentive program to help builders achieve ENERGY STAR® and ZERH certifications. Additional details about incentives and requirements are available in the program guide.

Rater Information:

If you are interested in becoming an approved rating company for the New Jersey Residential New Construction Program, click the button below to download an application:

The following document, dated 11/18/24, is intended to decrease any confusion that Raters may have about certain requirements necessary to receive the certificates. This addendum highlights areas of program inspection scheduling, results and reporting:

Builder Information:

If you are a builder and have questions about the New Jersey Residential New Construction Programs, click the button below:

Homeowner Information:

If you are a homeowner, please ask your builder about the New Jersey Residential New Construction Program. To find out more about the program, click the button below to download the program guide:


Here is a list of videos that may be helpful to you as you learn more about ENERGY STAR® and high performance homes. NJCEP claims no responsibility for the content of these videos. They are here for educational purposes. 

Online Training for Builders and Raters

For information about the Residential New Construction Program, call 866-NJSMART.

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