New Jersey State Seal

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New Jersey ENERGY STAR Homes


See what homeowners are saying about making the choice to build an energy efficient home:

It is definitely more cost efficient, cleaner, environmentally sensitive, higher home value and safer. 
- Deanna L.
These homes are the way to go because your energy bills will be lower and you will decrease you carbon footprint by saving energy.
- Marisa M.
We bought this home because of its environmental benefits and energy savings potential.  What we learned is the added benefit of a solidly built home due to the strict building standards.  Our home is quiet, tightly built, with no drafts or leaks.
- Keith & Vanessa G.
These homes are energy efficient in a time when all homeowners can use a financial break.
- William D.
Our new home is nearly three times the size of our old condiminium, which was built 25 years ago with interior energy conservation standards.  Amazingly, our utility bills in our new home have been equal to or less than that of our old condo. 
- Henry C.
I moved from an 1,800 sq.ft. home to a 4,000 sq.ft. home.  Everyone warned me that our utility bill would almost double.  Our bill is the same if not cheaper!
- David B.
I would highly recommend buying  one of these home, because they are energy efficient and have additional health and safety features and better value for your investment.
- Vincent W.
Since being in our new home we have enjoyed a dramatic cost reduction in our energy bills. 
- Richard V.
It is amazing that this house is double the square footage as our condo, yet our heating and electric bills are less!  Even with 9 ft. ceilings!

-Beth Ann S.

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New Jersey State Seal