Local Governments, Schools and Non-Profits
Note: Select energy efficiency programs for existing buildings have transitioned to the utility companiesTo learn more about this transition and for utility contact information, please visit this page.
Throughout New Jersey, residents and business owners are looking for ways to save energy and the environment - local governments and schools are no exception. New Jersey's Clean Energy Program provides financial incentives for energy efficiency through a number of initiatives directed at local government facilities. Take a leadership role in energy efficiency for your municipality or school today! Learn more. |
Do you want to see how your building's energy use compares to others like it? | |
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Benchmarking is a free service that provides a performance assessment and valuable information on how to get your project started. Benchmarking is available to hospitals and other healthcare facilities, municipalities, industries, hospitality, multifamily buildings, higher education facilities, K-12 schools, retail and other commercial accounts. |
Interested in a comprehensive assessment of the energy needs of your building(s)? | |
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A thorough analysis of your facilities, you'll receive a detailed energy audit report with a list of cost-justified energy efficiency measures. The cost of the audit is 100% subsidized. Local Government Energy Audits are available for municipalities, counties, state colleges and universities, 501 (c)(3) non-profit agencies and other local and state government agencies. |
Are you upgrading equipment or building a new facility? | |
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Financial incentives are available for upgrading individual heating and cooling systems, water heating, lighting and controls, motors and variable frequency drives. There's even a custom path for energy efficiency measures with demonstrated cost justification, which are handled on a case-by-case basis. |
Larger buildings can decrease energy costs by 15% For new construction, we can help you build a facility that uses 15% less energy. | |
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Designed for larger buildings, Pay for Performance offers a comprehensive, whole-building approach with incentives that are directly linked to energy savings. Program partners provide technical services, Energy Reduction Plans, financial plans for funding the project and a construction schedule for implementation. |
Are you looking to generate non-renewable energy on-site and improve the resiliency of your facility? | |
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Most CHP systems include a natural gas-fueled combined cycle combustion turbine to produce both steam and electricity from a single fuel source located on-site. These highly efficient technologies recover the heat that would otherwise be wasted during the generation of electricity and make use of that heat for commercial or industrial processes. This thermal energy may be used for direct heating, as a source for producing hot water or steam, or even for space conditioning and dehumidification. Rebates are available - learn more. |
Interested in Sustainable Jersey certification for your municipality or school? |
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Sustainable Jersey is a certification program for New Jersey municipalities that want to go green, save money and take steps to sustain their quality of life over the long term. |