Solar Proceedings
Clean Energy Act Solar Transition Stakeholder Process
For access to the Solar Transition Frequently Asked Questions, click here.
- Dual-Use Solar Energy Pilot Program Rule Proposal 12.02.24
- Order Establishing the Dual-Use Pilot Program 10.23.24
- Rules Adopted for the Community Solar Energy Program
- CSEP Proposed Substantial Changes Upon Adoption
- Order Regarding the Certification of EY23 Cost Cap Calculation and Setting ADI Program MW Blocks for EY25 05.22.24
- Order on the Outcome of the Second Solicitation in the CSI Program 04.17.24
- Order regarding New Trade Ally Categories 02.14.24
- Order regarding Siting Waiver in the CSI Program 01.10.24
- Order regarding Siting Waiver in the CSI Program 01.10.24
- Order on Petition regarding a Project's Geographic Limits on Subscribers in the Community Solar Pilot Program 12.20.23
- Order on second CSI Program Solicitation 11.17.23
- Order on Petition for Extension in TI Program 11.17.23
- Order Granting Certain Projects Extension in TI Program 11.17.23
- Order Granting Certain Community Solar Projects Seeking Extension in TI Program 10.25.23
- Order on Motion for Reconsideration regarding Denial of Extension in TI Program 10.11.23
- Order on Motion for Reconsideration regarding Denial of Extension in TI Program 10.11.23
- Order on Motion for Reconsideration regarding Denial of Extension in TI Program 10.11.23
- Order on Petition for TREC Factor in TI Program 09.27.23
- Order Addressing Petitions for Extensions in the TI Program 09.18,23
- Siting Rules Adopted for Grid Supply and Large Net Metered Solar 09.18.23
- Order launching the Community Solar Energy Program 08.16.23
- Secretary of NJBPU Letter Clarifying the Co-Location SuSi rules 08.11.23
- SuSI Solar Incentive Affidavit for Co-Located Solar Facilities 08.11.23
- Order on the Outcome of the 2023 CSI Program Solicitation 07.12.23
- Order on stipulation regarding floating solar project in TI program 07.12.23
- Order on Petition for Extension in Transition Incentive Program 06.29.23
- Order Regarding the Certification of EY22 Cost Cap Calculation and Setting ADI Program MW Blocks for EY24 (Revised) 05.10.23
- Order on motion for reconsideration regarding denial of extension in TI Program 04.23.23
- Order Approving ADI Waivers 04.26.23
- Order Regarding the One Year Review of the ADI Program 03.06.23
- 2023 PBI Modeling Results IMO One Year Review of ADI 03.06.23
- Order Addressing the Price Cap Determination in CSI 03.06.23
- Order on NJAW Petition for TREC Factor for Floating Solar 02.17.23
- Order Addressing MAREC's Motion on CSI 02.17.23
- Siting Rule Proposal in NJR 02.06 and Correction 02.14.23
- CSI Rule Proposal in NJR 02.06 and Correction 02.14.23
- Order Launching the CSI Program 12.07.22
- Order Reallocating Capacity in the ADI Program 12.07.22
- Webinar Recording of the Stakeholder Meeting on the ADI One Year Review 12.02.22
- Presentation for Stakeholder Meeting on One Year Review of the ADI Program 12.02.22
- Stakeholder Notice Update on the One Year Review of the ADI Program 11.22.22
- Order on Petitions for Extension in Transition Incentive Program 11.09.22
- Order Waiving ADI Eligibility Rules 10.12.22
- Staff Memo on Implementation of January 2022 ADI Order 09.23.22
- Order Granting Certain Subsection t Projects Seeking Extension in TI Program 08.17.22
- Order Granting and Denying Certain Community Solar Projects Seeking Extension in TI Program 08.17.22
- Order Granting Certain Public Projects Extension in TI Program 08.17.22
- Order Denying Petitions for Projects Seeking Extension in TI Program 08.17.22
- Solar Cost Cap Rule Adopted 06.20.22
- Order Addressing Extension Request in Transition Incentive Program and Similarly Situated Projects 06.08.22
- Competitive Solar Incentive ("CSI") Straw Proposal and Notice 04.26.2022
- CSI Program Stakeholder Meeting #2 Webinar Recording and Presentation 05.26.22
- CSI Program Stakeholder Meeting #3 Webinar Recording and Presentation 06.01.22
- CSI Program Stakeholder Meeting #4 Webinar Recording and Presentation 06.06.22
- Solar Siting Straw Proposal 03.16.22 (Revised 04.20.22)
- Solar Siting Stakeholder Meeting #1 Webinar Recording and Presentation 03.29.22
- Solar Siting Stakeholder Meeting #2 Webinar Recording and Presentation
- Informational Session and Stakeholder Meeting on TI Program, ADI Program, and ADI Program Disclosure Forms 04.07.22
- Order Waiving ADI Program Eligibility Rules 04.06.22
- Order Clarifying TI Program Post Construction Certification Reguirement 04.06.22
- Order Addressing Extension Request in Transition Incentive Program 03.09.22
- Order Addressing Extension Request in Transition Incentive Program 02.23.22
- Successor Solar Incentive Program Rule Adopted 02.22.22
- Transition Incentive Program Rule Amendments Adopted 02.22.22
- Order Addressing Extension Request in Transition Incentive Program 01.26.22
- Order Modifying ADI Program Eligibility Conditions 01.26.22
- Order Addressing Extension Request in Transition Incentive Program 12.15.21
- Competitive Solar Incentive Program Stakeholder Meeting Notice 11.01.21
- Slides 11.30.21
- Extension of Time to Comment on Transition Incentive Rule Proposal 10.27.21
- Extension of Time to Comment on SuSI Program Rule Proposal 10.27.21
- Solar Cost Cap Rule Proposal 09.07.21
- Successor Solar Incentive Program Rule Proposal 08.16.21
- Webinar: Closing of the Solar Transition Incentive (TI) Program and the Launch of the Successor Solar Incentive (SuSI) Program 08.12.21
- TI Program Rule Amendments for Public Comment 08.02.21
- Closure of the TI Order 07.28.21
- Successor Solar Incentive Program Order 07.28.21
- Courtesy Copy Draft Rule Proposal for SuccessApproval Processor Solar Incentive Program 07.14.21
- Transition Incentive Program Extension Policy Order 06.24.21
- New Jersey Solar Successor Program: Staff Straw Proposal (Revised) 05.05.21
- Public Memorandum: Updated Staff Recommendations 05.07.21
- Cost Cap Tool Excel Spreadsheet
- Revised SAM Cases for Large Non-Residential Net Metered Cases
- Workshop #1: Incentive Program Design Agenda 04.21.21
- Workshop #4: Incentive Values Modeling and Recommendations Detailed Agenda 05.03.21
- Workshop # 5: Review of Current Proposal and Program Transition Agenda 05.14.21
- Cadmus New Jersey Solar Transition Final Capstone Report 01.07.21
- I/M/O Order Waiving Certain Portions of the Irrevocable Standing Order Rule Requirement 12.17.20
- I/M/O TREC Eligibility for Projects Commencing Operations before Program Establishment reissued 12.02.20
- Transition Incentive Program Rule Adoption 10.05.20
- Successor Program Capstone Report Staff Request for Comments
- Cadmus New Jersey Solar Transition Draft Capstone Report: Successor Program Review
- Cadmus modeling inputs Excel spreadsheet
- SAM inputs file and instructions on how to download and use this file in SAM
- A stakeholder meeting on the SAM model and inputs was held on August 17, 2020; a recording of the meeting is available here, and the slides presented during the meeting are available here.
- A stakeholder meeting on the draft Capstone Report was held on August 20, 2020; a recording of the meeting is available here, and the slides presented during the meeting are available here.
- Solar Successor Program Webinars Aug 17, 2020 and Aug 20, 2020
- I/M/O Providing Extensions to Solar Transition Projects 07.29.20
- Transition Incentive Rule Proposal published 05.18.20
- Navigating New Jersey's Solar Transition Slides (04.28.20)
- Navigating New Jersey's Solar Transition Webinar (04.28.20)
- I/M/O Closure of SRP Procedure for Requesting Extended Time to PTO 04.27.20
- I/M/O 5.1% Milestone Attainment SRP Closure Order 04.06.20
- Courtesy Copy Draft Rule Proposal for Transition Incentive Program 04.06.20
- Status Report on 5.1% Milestone for SREC Program Closure 03.31.20
- I/M/O the Closure of the SRP per the Clean Energy Act 03.27.20
- I/M/O TREC Base Compensation Schedule 03.09.20
- Solar Transition Stakeholder Meeting March 3
- Status Report on 5.1% Milestone for SREC Program Closure 02.28.20
- I/M/O Calculation of the 5.1% Milestone for SREC Program Closure 02.19.20
- Status Report on the 5.1% Milestone for Closure of the SREC Program 02.07.20
- Rule Adoption of Amendments to RPS on SREC Program Closure 02.03.20
- New Jersey Solar Performance Analysis by PJM-EIS GATS 01.08.20
- Staff Notice Seeking Stakeholder Input on 5.1% Calculation 01.09.20
- I/M/O Closure of the SREC Registration Program Order 01.08.20
- Transition Incentive Program Clarification Order 01.08.20
- Staff Straw on Defining CEA Cost Caps 01.06.20
- Solar Transition Stakeholder Workshop 3 Notice 12.17.19
- Transition Incentive Program Order 12.06.19
- Revised 2019/2020 Solar Transition Staff Proposal 11.14.19
- Revised 2019/2020 Transition Incentive Staff Straw Proposal
- Proposal of RPS Rules to close the SRP 09.16.19
- Adoption of RPS Rules increasing Solar and NJClass I 09.16.19
- Modeling Workshop slides 09.06.19
- Request for Comment: 2019/2020 Transition Incentive Staff Straw Proposal
- SolarTransition Consultant Report Supplemental Documents:
- Methodology Inputs and Assumptions (one PowerPoint document and one Excel spreadsheet)
- Detailed Results
- Status Quo Gap Analysis
- Solar Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda for 08.28.19
- NJ Solar Transition: Webinar Slide Deck 08.23.19
- SolarTransition Consultant Report Supplemental Documents:
- Pre-Rule Proposal Staff Stakeholder Notice 07.31.19
- Solar Transition Stakeholder Workshops
- IMO the Modification of the Solar RPS, SACP, Reduction of the QL 02.27.19
- Rule Adopted to Amend the NJ RPS SREC Registration Program at N.J.A.C. 14:8-2.4 01.22.19
- Solar Transition Straw Proposal 12.26.18
- IMO the Provision of BGS - Renewable Portfolio Standard ("RPS") Allocation 12.18.18
- IMO the Modification of the Solar RPS, SACP, Reduction of the QL 10.29.18
- Notice for Comments - SREC 14 8 amendments 10.12.18
- Rule Proposal on SREC Registration Program Closure, NJR 08.06.18
2017 Solar Proceeding
On September 22, 2017 the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (Board) directed staff to open a proceeding to review the state of the solar market in New Jersey and, in doing so, to solicit input from all stakeholders in the solar industry culminating in public hearings to be held across the Garden State. The Board directed staff to convene all interested parties to participate in a generic proceeding to review the state of the solar market and to develop a list of topic areas and questions upon which the stakeholders should provide written or oral comment. The attached comments were submitted.
The initial webinar was held on October 27 to discuss the context for the stakeholder proceeding, current state of the NJ solar market, and proposed questions for stakeholders to address in public hearings. A second webinar was held on November 9 during the Renewable Energy Stakeholder meeting. Public hearings were held December 4, 5 and 8. Questions for Stakeholders to Address were issued with comments due December 15, 2017.
Supporting Documents:
- Board Order Closing the Generic Solar Proceeding 01.17.19
- Responses to Questions Received
- Proceeding Questions for Stakeholder Comment 11.30.17
- Staff Responses to Questions from Solar Webinars 11.21.17
- Second Webinar in the Proceeding on the State of the Solar Market 11.09.17
- ICF Analysis of NJ SREC Market Scenarios 11.09.17
- Consumer Protection Slides 11.09.17
- NJ RPS Compliance EY2017 Final Results 11.09.17
- Recording: October 27 Webinar
- TRC Solar Analysis 10.27.17 Revised TRC Solar Analysis 11.15.17
- Proceeding to review the State of the NJ Solar Market 10.27.17
- Staff Proposed Proceeding Questions for Stakeholder Discussion 10.25.17
- N.J. Board of Public Utilities to begin State of Solar Market Review 09.22.17
- I/M/O the Board's Establishing a Proceeding to Review the Solar Market 09.22.17
Solar Transition
Solar Transition 2006 - 2012
Solar Transition refers to the BPU’s efforts to change the state’s solar incentive from a rebate-based program funded through the Societal Benefits Charge to a market-based program relying primarily on the value of the Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs).
The documents below represent the significant reports, studies, white papers, straw proposals, comments, Board Orders and other public records related to the Solar Transition. They are listed in reverse chronological order from the inception of the Solar Transition in 2006 through 2012.