New Jersey State Seal

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Solar Proceedings

Clean Energy Act Solar Transition Stakeholder Process

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2017 Solar Proceeding

On September 22, 2017 the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (Board) directed staff to open a proceeding to review the state of the solar market in New Jersey and, in doing so, to solicit input from all stakeholders in the solar industry culminating in public hearings to be held across the Garden State. The Board directed staff to convene all interested parties to participate in a generic proceeding to review the state of the solar market and to develop a list of topic areas and questions upon which the stakeholders should provide written or oral comment. The attached comments were submitted.

The initial webinar was held on October 27 to discuss the context for the stakeholder proceeding, current state of the NJ solar market, and proposed questions for stakeholders to address in public hearings. A second webinar was held on November 9 during the Renewable Energy Stakeholder meeting. Public hearings were held December 4, 5 and 8. Questions for Stakeholders to Address were issued with comments due December 15, 2017.

Supporting Documents:


Solar Transition

Solar Transition 2006 - 2012

Solar Transition refers to the BPU’s efforts to change the state’s solar incentive from a rebate-based program funded through the Societal Benefits Charge to a market-based program relying primarily on the value of the Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs).

The documents below represent the significant reports, studies, white papers, straw proposals, comments, Board Orders and other public records related to the Solar Transition.  They are listed in reverse chronological order from the inception of the Solar Transition in 2006 through 2012.

Notice of Intent to Participate in Extended EDC SREC Program
Jun 01, 2012
Board Order:  Review of Utility Supported Programs
May 23, 2012
EDC Long-term Financing Analysis (CEEEP)
May 13, 2012
Comments Received to the BPU Straw Proposal:
Part 1 - Part 2
May 06, 2012
Notice of Public Hearing in the Matter of the Extension of the EDC's SREC Programs and the Solar RPS
Mar 22, 2012
NJBPU Straw Proposal for the EDC SREC Programs and Solar RPS
Mar 06, 2012
In January 2012, a Request for Comments was issued and the folllowing responses were received.
Jan 13, 2012
MSEIA Comparative Study of Rate Impacts Per Program
Jan 10, 2012
Board Order:  I/M/O RPS SACP, Decision re: Solar Electric Generation Dec 06, 2007
Joint Transparency Proposal submitted by Constellation Energy, the Solar Alliance and RESA
Nov 23, 2011
Comments by Al Matos, PSEG from the Nov 10 Public Hearing
Nov 22, 2011
SACP Public Hearing Nov 10
Nov 01, 2011
SREC Pipeline Transparancy Proposal
Nov 01, 2011
NJBPU Staff White Paper - Next Steps in Solar Transition and Upcoming Meeting Notice

---Comments Received Part 1
---Comments Received Part 2
---Comments Received Part 3

Sep 09, 2011
 Comment Summary: New Jersey Renewable Energy Solar Market Transition Straw Proposal
Aug 24, 2007
OCE Solar Market Straw Update
Aug 24, 2007
SACP Ratepayer Impact Model
Aug 22, 2007
OCE Solar Market Straw Update
 Aug 13, 2007
OCE Solar Discussion Paper
Aug 09, 2007
NJBPU SACP Analysis Report
Aug 06, 2007
Ratepayer Impacts of Solar Market Transition Scenarios (Revised Draft)
Jul 31, 2007
Ratepayer Impacts of Solar Market Transition Scenarios
Jul 06, 2007
Comment Summary: New Jersey Renewable Energy Solar Market Transition Straw Proposal
Jul 03, 2007
Agenda of Topics for Public Hearing on the Solar Alternative Compliance Payment (SACP)
Jun 05, 2007
New Jersey Solar Renewable Energy Market Transition Straw Proposal
May 25, 2007
Comment Summary: Straw Proposal(s) for SREC-only Pilot Cap & CORE Budget Allocation of Carryover
May 18, 2007
PSEG Notice & Solar Petition
May 10, 2007
Proposal for SREC Cap & CORE Budget
May 04, 2007
ACP/SACP Analysis Report Summit Blue
Apr 25, 2007
NJBPU Market Transition Interim Report
Mar 15, 2007
Board Order: SACP Stakeholder Process for EY08, 09, 10 and a Solar REC-Only Pilot Jan 19, 2007
NJ Solar Transition Outline of the General Process
Dec 13, 2006
ACP/SACP Request for Public Comment & Summary
Nov 09, 2006
Proposed Solar Stakeholder Schedule

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