Solar Programs
Successor Solar Incentive (SuSI) Program
The SuSI Program is the long-term permanent solar program for providing incentives to new solar generation facilities connected to the transmission or distribution systems of New Jersey electric public utilities or local government units.
The SuSI Program consists of two sub-programs:
(1) The Administratively Determined Incentive (ADI) Program provides administratively set incentives for net metered residential projects, net metered non-residential, remote net metering and community solar projects of 5 MW (dc) or less.
See below for additional information on the ADI Program's Community Solar Energy Program (CSEP):
The Community Solar Energy Program (CSEP) provides incentives to eligible community solar facilities to enable the continued efficient and orderly development of solar electric generating sources throughout New Jersey.
(2) The Competitive Solar Incentive (CSI) Program provides competitively set incentives for grid supply projects and net metered non-residential projects greater than 5 MW (dc).
The Pilot Program is designed to encourage the development of dual-use solar facilities and the creation of a new segment of the solar industry in New Jersey that is compatible with the State’s rich agricultural heritage. Specifically, the Pilot Program seeks to demonstrate and study the compatibility of active agricultural or horticultural production and solar photovoltaic infrastructure on the same land/property.
New Jersey Solar for All is a federally funded program awarded under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Greenhuse Gas Reduction Fund.
Transition Incentrive (TI) Program
The Transition Incentive Program (TI) was a program in New Jersey that bridged the gap between the Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) Registration Program (SRP) and the Successor Solar Incentive Program (SuSI Program)
Legacy SREC Registration Program (SRP)
The Legacy SRP was the solar program previously used to register solar installations in New Jersey prior to its close on April 30, 2020. Projects currently registered in the SRP may keep their SREC eligibility for the duration of the project’s Qualification Life.