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Community Solar Complaint Form

How to Submit a Complaint about your Community Solar Subscription

The purpose of this Complaint form is to allow consumers to submit a complaint about their Community Solar subscription. The nature of these complaints may be associated with a company’s business practices, issues with your community solar bill, or any other disputes that you may be experiencing with your Community Solar Subscriber Organization.

A "community solar subscriber organization" or "subscriber organization", as defined in N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.2, is an entity, duly registered with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, which works to acquire original subscribers for a community solar project and/or acquires replacement subscribers over the lifetime of a community solar project and/or manages subscribers for a community solar project. The community solar subscriber organization may or may not be, in whole, in part, or not at all, organized by the community solar developer, community solar owner, or community solar operator.

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) Division of Clean Energy (DCE) generally will not take action on a complaint unless the customer has made a good faith attempt to resolve the complaint directly with its Community Solar Subscriber Organization and the attempts have failed.

The DCE has put in place procedures for reviewing, tracking and resolving these complaints in a timely manner. Your Community Solar Subscriber Organization will be advised of the complaint and will respond directly to the contact name that you provide.

DCE will not involve itself in adjudicating contractual and other similar commercial disputes between customers and their Community Solar Subscriber Organizations but the DCE may elect to facilitate or mediate discussions and mutually acceptable resolutions of such disputes.

If you wish to submit a specific complaint regarding the interconnection of your project or questions associated with your utility bill, do not submit your complaint using the form below, but instead please visit the Interconnection Complaint page.

If you wish to submit a complaint regarding the direct installation and/or lease of a solar installation on your own property, please do not submit your complaint using the form below, but instead use the Solar Complaint Form or the Interconnection Complaint Form, as appropriate.


Customer Information

Community Solar Subscriber Organization

Community Solar Project Information


Max 5000 Characters

Complainant's Contact Information (if different than customer)

Verification Code: 9RW#E
Please re-type the verification code here:

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