New Jersey State Seal

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Small Wind Systems

New Jersey Wind Working Group

The Wind Working Group is made up of stakeholders including State government, municipalities, academia, businesses and citizens interested in advancing small terrestrial wind applications throughout the state.  It was initially funded by a grant provided by the U.S. Department of Energy Wind Powering America Program, with a goal to address barriers to the deployment of terrestrial-sited wind generation in New Jersey.  The group also developed the Small Wind Model Ordinance, which addressed the development of a model ordinance addressing small wind energy systems for New Jersey municipalities.

Municipalities that have adopted a similar version of the NJ Small Wind Model Ordinance

This list of NJ Small Wind Ordinance’s is not all inclusive. Check with your local municipality to see if they have a small wind ordinance.

Anemometer Loan Program

Funded by a grant provided by the United States DOE Wind Powering America Program, the Office of Clean Energy has partnered with five colleges to implement the New Jersey Anemometer Loan Program, a tool used to assess the wind potential prior to installing small wind generating equipment. 

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New Jersey State Seal