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Multi-Measure: Customer Tailored


The Customer Tailored Energy Efficiency Pilot (CTEEP) Program supplements the current New Jersey Commercial and Industrial incentive programs by offering a streamlined approach to developing and implementing energy efficiency projects in new construction buildings for mid-to-large C&I customers.

CTEEP allows customers to bundle multiple SmartStart prescriptive and custom measures into one application without enrolling in a whole-building program.


Eligible sectors may include but are not limited to K-12 schools, colleges or universities, hospitals, large office buildings, multistory retail, industrial and manufacturing.

This program serves New Construction and Substantial Renovation projects for buildings 50,000 sq. ft. and larger only. For assistance with projects in Existing Buildings, visit this page for information on programs administered by the electric and gas utilities.


  • Enrollment and Scoping Meeting - Engage with an Outreach representative to learn more about how NJCEP aligns with your needs. If CTEEP is deemed to be a good fit, submit an Enrollment Form and conduct a scoping meeting with NJCEP program staff. The scoping meeting is intended to bring together all relevant parties to review the measures and formally define the development criteria for the Energy Plan.
  • Develop and Submit Energy Plan - Complete the program documents and collect necessary scope of work documentation (utility bills, specification sheets, savings calculations, etc.) identified by NJCEP program staff during the scoping meeting. Your case manager is available to assist you along the way and will review the Energy Plan to calculate and commit measure incentives for your project.
  • Installation of Measures – Technical assistance incentives are paid at milestones throughout the construction process.
  • Substantial Completion Incentive Payment - Measure incentives are paid upon submittal of project completion documents.
  • Performance Verification Incentive Payment - For Custom Measures only: The final installment of the measure incentive is paid upon successful completion of performance verification, which is intended to demonstrate that measures are installed and operating as intended.

 How do I get started?

If you would like to learn more about this program to determine whether it may be a good fit for your needs, call 866-657-6278 to schedule a meeting with an Outreach Representative. You may also submit a request to be contacted or submit questions via email



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