New Jersey State Seal

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Production Meter Location

Section 6.3.3 j of the GATS meter requirements (GATS Operating Rules 9/30/10) identifies the meter location for both behind-the-meter and direct grid-supply generators (see below).

6.3.3 j - For each renewable energy resource, total MWh of generation as defined in the previous paragraph shall be measured at the point of interconnection to the transmission or distribution company’s facility, or adjusted to reflect the energy delivered into either the transmission or distribution grid at the high side of the transformer. 

If it is not feasible to install the meter at the required location, an adjustment factor must be applied. The process to determine the adjustment factor is left to each state to decide. The NJCEP methodology to calculate the meter adjustment factor is based upon the weighted average of the transformer efficiency at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% loading as described below.

A. Provide the percent of annual operating time at 0-25%, 25-50%, 50-75% and 75-100% transformer load.

B. Provide transformer efficiency at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% transformer load.

C. Multiply Item A by Item B for each load percent.

D. Meter adjustment factor = Sum of all factors derived in item C.

The registrant is required to calculate the meter adjustment factor and to document the results on the System Metering/Monitoring Worksheet. Any documents that are necessary to support the calculation should be included with this worksheet. 

The transformer documentation must include the transformer specification sheet that shows the transformer efficiency at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% transformer load. The annual load profile may either be based upon metering information if available or a projection of loading during a typical year. If a projection is utilized, please provide backup information to support the values.

Upon review and acceptance the Market Manager will provide the meter adjustment factor to GATS when the NJ Certification number is transmitted to GATS. However, the REC or SREC owner will be required to apply the adjustment factor to their system output meter readings to arrive at the monthly generation and will then be responsible to input the adjusted generation into the GATS system for the purpose of reporting system output.

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New Jersey State Seal