Atlantic City Electric / Jersey Central Power and Light / Rockland Electric
NJ SREC-Based Financing Program
Atlantic City Electric Company, Jersey Central Power & Light Company, and Rockland Electric Company were directed by the Board to periodically issue Requests for Proposals to select solar projects with which to enter into contracts for the purchase of SRECs.
Historical Information
In March 2009, NJBPU approved programs at Jersey Central Power and Light (JCP&L) and Atlantic City Electric (ACE) that provided for long-term contracts for SRECs that the utilities purchased from solar projects selected through a competitive bidding process in their service territories.
The utility solar financing programs expired in 2011 and are no longer accepting new applicants at this time. On May 23, 2012 the Board approved an extension of the EDC Solar finance programs for 180 MW over three years and directed the EDCs to file notice of their intent to participate. On June 01, 2012 the EDCs filed a Notice of Intent to participate in an Extended EDC SREC Program consistent with Staff's recommendations adoped by the NJBPU. Each of the four EDCs filed program proposals and petitions for cost recovery pursuant to the Board's implementation of the Global Warming Response Act, section 98.1.
Previous Supporting Documents
Previous Related Documents
- I/M/O the Petition of Go Solar for an Extension of PSAs 05.31.17
- ACE - Tariff Revisions 12.16.16
- ACE - SREC Rider RGGI Tariff Update 11.19.15
- Results of First Solicitation; EDC SREC II Program 07.23.15
- IMO of Atlantic City Electric Company to Adjust the Level of its "Rider RGGI" Rate Associated With Its Solar Renewable Energy Certificate Financing Program 05.01.15
- IMO the Petition of FRIT Solar, Inc. Concerning the Amendment of the SREC PSA between JCP&L and FRIT 04.23.14
- Petition of RECO for Approval to Implement an Extended SREC Based Financing Program 12.18.13
- Annual Filing to set the Level of ACE Rider RGGI Rate Associated with its SREC Financing Program 12.18.13
- Stipulation of Settlement for JCPL SREC Based Financing Program 12.17.13
- Stipulation of Settlement for ACE SREC Based Financing Program 12.12.13
- Order Extending the 180-day Review Period JCPL RECO ACE 10.16.13
- Order Modifying the Schedule 06.27.13
- Order Extending the 180-Day Review Period for RECO SREC II
- Order Suspending the Procedural Schedule for ACE and JCP&L SREC II 04.05.13
- Order Approving Revised Schedule for ACE and JCP&L SREC II 03.20.13
- RECO SREC II 03.20.13
- ACE Motion to Intervene SREC II 02.26.13
- RECO SREC II Petition 02.01.13
- Order Extending the 180-Day Review Period for JCPL SREC Finance II Filing 01.23.13
- ACE and JCP&L SREC Program Scheduling Order 01.18.13
- Board Order: In the Matter of the Petition to Atlantic City Electric Concerning a Proposal for an Extended Solar Renewable Energy Certificate Program Based Financing Program Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 48:3-98.1
- Board Order: In the Matter of Tioga Solar Holmdel LLC Petition to Extend Solar Renewable Energy Certificate Purchase and Sale Agreement with JCP&L
- ACE Administrative Determination Letter 10.09.12
- ACE 2012 SREC Petition 09.05.12
- Board Order: In the Matter of the Verfied Petition of JCPL Concerning a Proposal for an SREC-based Financing Program under N.J.S.A. 48:3-98.1 ("SREC II") 10.04.12
- Filing: JCP&L SREC-based Financing Program 08.14.12
- Board Order: In the Matter of the Verified Petition of GLC - (NJ) NACR 2 LLC for Approval of an Extension of Time to Complete the Conditions Precedent Under its Extension Request for Solar Renewable Energy Certificate Purchase and Sale Agreements with Rockland Electric Company