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Extension Policy

Extension Policy for SRP Projects

The following policy pertains to extensions for projects registered under the SREC Registration Program (SRP). This policy is consistent with the Board’s recently adopted rule amendments which describes the processes for completion deadlines and extensions for all SRP registrations.

Title 14, Chapter 8 Subchapter 2.4 (h)

5. After issuance of the notice of conditional registration, construction of the solar facility as described in the initial registration may begin.

(i) Construction of the solar electric generating facility shall be completed prior to expiration of the conditional registration. The registrant for facilities that are net metered, provide on-site generation, or provide power for a qualified customer engaged in aggregated net metering, may request one extension prior to the expiration of the conditional registration, and shall include an updated schedule for completion. Except for registrations submitted for projects approved or conditionally approved for designation as "connected to the distribution system" under (g) above, Board staff may authorize one extension of the project's registration on a case-by-case basis, based on the likelihood of timely and successful completion of the solar facility. An extension shall provide a new expiration date, six months from the expiration of the original conditional registration. If the conditional registration, or extension, expires before construction is complete, the registrant shall begin the entire registration process again by submitting an initial registration package. Board staff shall treat the new registration package as if it were a first-time submittal, with no reference to the previous registration process. Facilities that require approval or certification by the Board, other than those requiring approval of designation under (g) above, must seek extensions of the conditional registration expiration date directly by application to the Board, unless otherwise directed by the Board. Registrants who file after failure to complete during the initial 18 or 24-month registration period shall not be subject to the penalty set out at (e) above if the Board finds that the failure to complete within time was reasonable.

  • You must obtain Permission to Operate (PTO) by the local Electric Distribution Company, submit all post construction documents which can be found on the Final As-Built Checklist and meet all other program requirements on or before: 1) the expiration date noted on your SRP acceptance letter or 2) the Board’s determination that the 5.1% milestone has been achieved, whichever is earlier.  If you cannot complete the solar installation by the expiration date, you may be eligible for one extension, not to exceed 6 months, with the actual length contingent upon the date on which the Board closes the SRP.
  • IIf the project cannot be completed within the initial 12-month period, the registrant/contractor may apply for an extension. Extension requests must be received before 5:00 PM on or before the expiration date of the initial SRP Acceptance letter, and must include a construction schedule, a completed Milestone Reporting Form and additional any detailed documentation regarding the reasons for the delay. Progressive documentation of project issues to the Program Manager as they occur throughout the project will significantly improve the case for a project extension.

Upon conducting a review of all required documents, the Program Manager may grant an extension for a period of six months. If you have received an extension and cannot complete your project prior to the new expiration date noted on the extension letter, you will be required to re-submit a new SRP Registration packet which will be treated as a new submittal with no reference to the previous registration.

Based on the Chapter 8 rules, the SREC Registration Program does not allow for a 2nd extension.



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