New Jersey State Seal

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Solar Development Volatility Proceedings

Proceeding to Investigate Approaches to Mitigate Solar Development Volatility Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 48:3-87(D)(3)(B)

Pursuant to the Solar Act, the Board directed Staff to initiate a proceeding to investigate approaches to mitigating solar development volatility including an evaluation of other techniques used nationally and internationally. Staff led this proceeding through the monthly Renewable Energy Committee meeting process and issued periodic requests for stakeholder comments on various aspects of the issue.  A chronology of the milestones in the proceeding and the report documenting the Board’s findings and recommendations is contained below.

November 9, 2012 Stakeholder Meeting


February 7, 2013 Comment Submittal on Mitigation of Solar Development Volatility

March 13, 2013 Comments and Presentations

April 9, 2013

June 11, 2013

Renewable Energy Committee Meeting Market Manager Presentations

Initiation of a Proceeding to Investigate Approaches to Mitigate Solar Development Volatility pursuant to N.J.S.A. 48:3-87(d)(3)(a)

12.11.12 Renewable Energy Meeting
01.07.13 Renewable Energy Meeting
02.14.13 Renewable Energy Meeting
03.13.13 Renewable Energy Meeting
04.09.13 Renewable Energy Meeting
05.14.13 Renewable Energy Meeting
06.11.13 Renewable Energy Meeting
07.09.13 Renewable Energy Meeting
08.13.13 Renewable Energy Meeting
09.10.13 Renewable Energy Meeting
10.09.13 Renewable Energy Meeting
11.07.13 Renewable Energy Meeting
12.09.13 Renewable Energy Meeting
01.14.14 Renewable Energy Meeting
02.11.14 Renewable Energy Meeting
03.11.14 Renewable Energy Meeting
04.15.14 Renewable Energy Meeting
05.13.14 Renewable Energy Meeting

Consultants Report on Approaches to Mitigate Solar Development Volatility

At the request of Board Staff, the Center for Energy (CEEEP), Economic and Environmental Policy (Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University) has been asked to conduct a literature review of national and international approaches to mitigate solar development volatility, and to retain a Consultant on behalf of the Board. The Consultant’s tasks are to augment and supplement CEEEP’s literature review, review the public record compiled by Board Staff, write a report (draft and final) detailing its findings, provide specific short term and long term recommendations regarding approaches to mitigate solar development volatility in New Jersey, and present its results at a public forum hosted by CEEEP at the Bloustein School in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

The links below include the relevant documents in the proceedings to develop the report on Solar Development Volatility toward fulfilling the requirements of the Solar Act of 2012.

Report on Findings and Recommendations from the Proceeding to Investigate Approaches to Mitigate Solar Market Development Volatility May 2014

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