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New Jersey's Energy Efficiency Program Transition

Transición del Programa de Eficiencia Energética de Nueva Jersey

Electric Utility Contact Information

Utility Name
Commercial & Industrial Programs Residential Programs
Atlantic City Electric Website and Email
Phone: 833-223–7297
Website and Email
Phone: 866-353-0007
Jersey Central Power & Light Website, Email and Phone: 800-662-3115
 Public Service Electric & Gas Website and Email
Phone: 844-300-7734
Website and Email
Phone: 855-846-2895
  Rockland Electric
Website, Email and Phone: 877-434-4100


Gas Utility Contact Information

Utility Name
Commercial & Industrial Programs Residential Programs
Elizabethtown Gas Website and Phone: 888-263-7372 Website and Phone:  833-493-0692
New Jersey Natural Gas Website and Email
Phone: 877-455-6564
Website and Email
Phone: 877-455-6564
Public Service Electric & Gas Website and Email
Phone: 844-300-7734
Website and Email
Phone: 855-846-2895
South Jersey Gas Website and Phone: 888-263-7372 Website and Phone:  833-493-0691

Check the GIS utility finder to determine who your provider or providers are. 


 In 2018, Governor Murphy signed into law the landmark legislation known as the Clean Energy Act. The law called for a significant overhaul of New Jersey’s clean energy systems by building sustainable infrastructure in order to fight climate change and reduce carbon emissions, which will in turn create well-paying local jobs, grow the state’s economy, and improve public health while ensuring a cleaner environment for current and future residents.

As part of this statewide undertaking, the Clean Energy Act required New Jersey’s investor-owned gas and electric utility companies to reduce their customers’ use of gas and electricity by set percentages over time. To help reach these targets, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities approved a comprehensive suite of efficiency programs that would transition the state to some of the highest energy savings in the country.

These “next generation” energy efficiency programs feature new ways of managing and delivering programs historically administered by New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program™ (NJCEP).  While NJCEP will continue to offer some energy efficiency programs, all of the investor-owned gas and electric utility companies will now also offer complementary energy efficiency programs directly to their customers, as shown above.

Please visit this site regularly, browse the below Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), and join our monthly Energy Efficiency Stakeholder Meetings, and subscribe to our Energy Efficiency Listserv for the latest information.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) are grouped by the following subject areas; you can jump to any section by clicking on one of the topics below:

General FAQs
Commercial & Industrial Programs FAQs
Residential Programs FAQs
Contractor Specific FAQs

General FAQs

Why are some energy efficiency programs now managed by the utility companies?  (updated August 9, 2022)

The transition of the administration of certain energy efficiency programs from NJCEP to the utilities occurred in accordance with the mandates from the Clean Energy Act of 2018. These new programs allow the utilities to work directly with customers to achieve energy savings. The Board considered the following in establishing this transition:

  • Programs that rely heavily on the use of contractors will be handled at the utility level, where the utility companies can build strong relationships and lead co-branded advertising and marketing efforts.
  • Utilities will handle programs that rely on customer data or advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) to streamline customer data access layers and minimize the sharing of data to protect customer privacy.
  • Utilities are well-suited to deliver certain energy efficiency programs, such as those that are based on existing customer relationships and that rely on utility data and systems.

  • Utility administration works best for programs that can leverage utilities’ knowledge of energy consumption, customer demographics, workforce infrastructure, and existing customer relationships within their service territories. Utility access – and increased customer access – to energy use data enables the design of more personalized services and programs, targeted outreach, and individualized solutions for customers.

  • Utilities can offer flexible financing options, such as on-bill repayment.
  • Customers may have more “brand awareness” and direct communication with their utility, which facilitates the broader adoption of energy efficiency measures.

Which energy efficiency programs continue to be administered by NJCEP, and which are administered by the utilities?  (updated October 28, 2021)
NJCEP continues to administer the following programs: 
•   Combined Heat & Power and Fuel Cells
•   Community Solar
•   Energy Savings Improvement Program
•   Large Energy Users
•   Local Government Energy Audit
•   Residential New Construction
•   SmartStart; Customer Tailored Energy Efficiency Program (CTEEP); Pay for Performance (new construction and gut rehab)
•   Solar

The utilities are responsible for programs serving existing buildings for all sectors (Commercial & Industrial, Residential, and Government), as well as for energy efficient product rebates, recycling, and the creation of new programs to better serve the needs of multi-family customers.

Where do I find information about the utility programs?  (updated May 21, 2021)

Customers can get more information about their utility’s programs by visiting their website or calling the phone number listed above this FAQ section.

I am familiar with the past NJCEP names. What are the correlating existing building program names?  (updated October 28, 2021)

NJCEP Commercial & Industrial Existing Building Programs Utility Program Category
 SmartStart Existing Buildings (SSB)  Prescriptive, Custom
 Customer Tailored Energy Efficiency Program (CTEEP)  Prescriptive, Custom
 Direct Install (DI)  Direct Install
 Pay for Performance Existing Buildings (P4PEB)  One or more of the following:
Engineered Solutions, Energy Management, Prescriptive, Custom

NJCEP Residential Existing Building Programs Utility Program Category
 Home Performance with ENERGY STAR  Existing Buildings: Home Performance with
ENERGY STAR single- and multi-family
 Appliance Recycling  Appliance Recycling
 WARMAdvantage/COOLAdvantage  Efficient Products: HVAC
 Appliance Rebates  Efficient Products: Appliance Rebates
 Retail Lighting  Efficient Products Retail Lighting
   Quick Home Energy Checkup (QHEC)
   Multi-Family Program
   Moderate-Income Weatherization

Does this transition affect low- and moderate-income customers?  (updated August 9, 2022)

Yes. The transition has expanded the number of programs tailored for low- and moderate-income customers. The existing NJCEP/utility low-income energy efficiency program, Comfort Partners, continues to be co-managed between NJCEP and the utility companies. In addition, utilities have introduced a Home Weatherization for Income Qualified program that serves the moderate-income population. The utilities also continue to offer an enhanced HVAC rebate for low- and moderate-income customers.

Do I have to apply to both my electric and gas utilities for program rebates and incentives including financing?  (added August 9, 2022)

No.  If you are served by two separate utilities, a gas and electric provider, you can submit dual-fuel (using gas and electric) projects to either your electric or gas utility’s program. The utilities have worked collaboratively to develop a system to allow you to access incentives for both fuels. They will handle the administration behind the scenes so you can access the total incentive without extra paperwork.  Check the GIS utility finder to determine who your provider or providers are. 

How do I identify my energy utility company?  

Enter your address into our GIS utility finder to identify your gas and/or electric utility provider. Utilities are often referenced in this and other documents by the following acronyms:  

Electric providers: ACE: Atlantic City Electric, JCP&L: Jersey Central Power and Light, PSE&G: Public Service Electric and Gas and RECO: Rockland Electric Company.

Gas providers: ETG: Elizabethtown Gas, NJNG: New Jersey Natural Gas, PSE&G: Public Service Electric and Gas and SJG: South Jersey Gas

Commercial & Industrial Programs FAQs

What happens to my project that was already submitted and in the NJCEP pipeline? Will I get paid?  (updated August 9, 2022)

NJCEP has been processing all eligible projects that were in the pipeline before the July 1, 2021 transition and facilitating the payment as planned. Eligible projects included applications submitted to NJCEP prior to the date that the program(s) transitioned to the utility or for equipment purchased on or before June 30, 2021 for all utilities except PSE&G, where equipment must have been purchased on or before May 31, 2021. These projects remain in the NJCEP pipeline until they are completed. There is no action needed on your part for the project to continue to move forward with NJCEP.

For NJCEP’s C&I SmartStart Buildings (SSB) Retrofit program, do I still have up to one year after purchase to apply to the program for qualifying equipment?  (updated August 9, 2022)

Yes. For SSB and CTEEP, NJCEP has been accepting and processing all applications for qualifying equipment/projects purchased on or before June 30, 2021 for all utilities except PSE&G, where equipment must have been purchased on or before May 31, 2021. The program provides for up to one year after purchase to apply.

Can I apply to both my utility’s program and NJCEP for the same equipment?  (updated October 28, 2021)

No, you may only apply to one program for an incentive or rebate. Please refer to the specific program rules regarding how much time you have to apply to a program once your equipment is purchased or installed.  

If you submitted an application to NJCEP prior to the launch of the utility program, your application will continue to be processed by NJCEP as long as it meets the program rules. If you have not yet submitted an application and if the existing building’s eligible equipment was purchased on or after the start of the utility’s program, you should apply to the utility’s program. If the eligible equipment was purchased prior to the launch of the utility’s program, it should be submitted to NJCEP. If you apply to the wrong program, your application will be declined and you will be directed to the correct program.

What if I have multiple project sites in different utility territories?  (updated August 9, 2022)     

The majority of the utility programs are designed to provide a consistent experience throughout the state. If you are a large commercial customer, consider using the Large Energy Users Program, which is still run by NJCEP. Other program applications should be submitted to the applicable utility for each site.

Residential Programs FAQs

I’m interested in making my home more energy efficient and am not sure where to start.  What programs are available?  (added August 9, 2022)

A good place to start is with a Quick Home Energy Check-up (QHEC).  During the QHEC visit, a Building Performance Institute certified auditor performs a walk-through of the customer’s home with the customer to provide education about the opportunities to save energy.  The auditor identifies opportunities for energy savings and helps customers start saving energy immediately by providing some standard energy savings measures at no additional cost.  Interested customers should contact their utility for more information.

Can I pursue Home Performance with ENERGY STAR (HPwES) residential projects with my utility’s program?  (updated August 9, 2022)         

Yes. Residential (single-family and multi-family) customers are able to pursue comprehensive, whole house projects through your utility’s HPwES program. 

I live in a multi-family unit.  What programs are available to me?  (added August 9, 2022)     

There are various programs available, including multi-family Home Performance with ENERGY STAR.  Contact your utility for information.

Are energy efficiency programs only available to homeowners?  If I rent, am I eligible for programs?  (added August 9, 2022)     

Renters can take advantage of the Quick Home Energy Check-up.  As also described above, a Building Performance Institute certified auditor performs a walk-through of the home to help customers understand ways to save energy and provides energy saving measures at no cost to the tenant.  

I am a municipal electric utility customer / I am not serviced by an investor-owned utility.  What are my options?  (added August 9, 2022)     

NJCEP’s Non-IOU program for customers not served by investor-owned utilities closed as of June 30, 2021.  NJCEP is exploring options to continue to offer energy efficiency incentives for these customers.

Contractor FAQs

Can I pursue comprehensive business/commercial/industrial/local government projects with my utility’s program?  (updated August 9, 2022)   
Yes. Comprehensive programs for existing buildings are available from the utilities for these sectors. The Direct Install program is available through the utilities for small- to mid-sized non-residential customers, and other utility programs are available to support comprehensive energy efficiency projects.

If I am working on a single-measure project served by separate utilities for gas and electric, how do I know which utility program to submit a program application to?  (added April 28, 2021)

For single-measure projects that utilize one energy type, submit gas equipment to the gas utility and electric equipment to the electric utility for applicable rebates. For single-measure projects that utilize both gas and electric, the application can be submitted to either the gas or electric utility for the applicable rebate.

If I am working on an existing building project that saves both gas and electricity, will I have to apply to both my electric and gas utility for incentives?  (updated August 9, 2022)

No. Similar to the question above in the General FAQs section, you can submit dual-fuel (using gas and electric) projects to either your electric or gas utility’s program. The utilities have worked collaboratively to develop a system to allow you to access incentives for both fuels. They will handle the administration behind the scenes so that you can access the total incentive without extra paperwork.

Can I apply to both my utility’s program and NJCEP for the same equipment?  (updated October 28, 2021)

No. Similar to the question above in the General FAQs section, you may only apply to one program for an incentive or rebate. If you submitted an application to NJCEP prior to the launch of the utility program (July 1, 2021 or earlier for PSE&G), your application will continue to be processed by NJCEP as long as it meets the program rules. If you have not yet submitted an application and if the existing building’s eligible equipment was purchased on or after the start of the utility’s program, you should apply to the utility’s program. If the eligible equipment was purchased prior to the launch of the utility’s program, it should be submitted to NJCEP. If you apply to the wrong program, your application will be declined, and you will be directed to the correct program.

If I am a contractor, how do I join each utility’s contractor trade ally network?  (updated October 28, 2021)

For more information about each utility’s residential and/or commercial/industrial contractor networks, contractors can reach out to any utility company in whose service territory they work, using the utility contact information below, to receive information about participating in the utilities’ regularly scheduled contractor calls.  Contractors are also encouraged to stay engaged with all utilities in whose service territories they work.

Will the utilities be offering a Cooperative (Co-op) Advertising program for Home Performance and residential HVAC contractors?  (updated August 9, 2022)

Jersey Central Power and Light (JCP&L) and New Jersey Natural Gas (NJNG) offer cooperative advertising funding for Home Performance with ENERGY STAR and HVAC.  South Jersey Gas, Elizabethtown Gas, NJNG, and JCP&L offer cooperative advertising funding for the Efficient Products: HVAC program.  The utilities are working collaboratively and launched a co-op program in February 2022. The co-op program will continue through June 30, 2023. To learn more, please reach out directly to the utilities to ensure that you receive relevant contractor communications regarding the program requirements.

For information on co-op programs, you can contact:
New Jersey Natural Gas:
Susan Ellman, Kori Vens or
Jersey Central Power & Light:
South Jersey Gas: Patrick McDevitt
Elizabethtown Gas: Shayne Samaroo


Who should I call or email with questions? 

If you have questions about the transition, please contact us by email at or the NJCEP call center at 866-657-6278. If you have questions about a program your utility offers, contact your utility below:

Electric Utility Contact Information

Utility Name
Commercial & Industrial Programs Residential Programs
 Public Service Electric & Gas Website and Email
Phone: 844-300-7734
Website and Email
Phone: 855-846-2895
Atlantic City Electric Website, Email and Phone: 866-353-0007 Website, Email and Phone: 866-353-0007
Jersey Central Power & Light
Website, Email and Phone: 800-662-3115
  Rockland Electric
Website, Email and Phone: 877-434-4100

Gas Utility Contact Information

Utility Name
Commercial & Industrial Programs Residential Programs
 Public Service Electric & Gas Website and Email
Phone: 844-300-7734
Website and Email
Phone: 855-846-2895
 New Jersey Natural Gas Website and Email
Phone: 877-455-6564
Website and Email
Phone: 877-455-6564
South Jersey Gas Website and Phone: 888-263-7372 Website and Phone:  833-493-0691
Elizabethtown Gas Website and Phone: 888-263-7372 Website and Phone:  833-493-0692

Check the GIS utility finder to determine who your provider or providers are. 

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